Bill V: (6:19:38 PM) Hey Dom
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:19:44 PM) hey hey henry!
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE returned at 6:19 PM.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:20:19 PM) whats up?
Bill V: (6:20:27 PM) nothin much, just got home from the beach
Bill V: (6:20:35 PM) broke my phone while I was there, so I'm pretty cranky about that
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:20:53 PM) ack that sucks but yay beaches
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:23:42 PM) btw accidentally stalked your twitter and saw my tongue comment lmao
Bill V: (6:24:45 PM) lmao, I told you I was reposting that
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:24:58 PM) I was honored <3
Bill V: (6:25:01 PM) what caused u to stalk my twats?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:25:14 PM) Rob followed me so i went to his page and his most recent tweet was to you
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:25:23 PM) so i clicked and the tongue comment was like your second tweet down
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:25:27 PM) so I didn't mean to creep you lmao
Bill V: (6:26:10 PM) lmao no worries
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE went idle at 6:32 PM.
Bill V: (6:44:54 PM) what r u doing this afternoon?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE returned at 6:50 PM.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:51:52 PM) about to watch big brother with my family and posting for this challenge
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:51:56 PM) no one else seems to be though
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:51:57 PM) you?
Bill V: (6:53:24 PM) I reallly can't focus on the challenge right now, I'm really not in the right mood
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:53:32 PM) aww what's wrong?
Bill V: (6:53:36 PM) I'm gonna watch BB and Whodunnit and clean my apt
Bill V: (6:53:45 PM) I just didn't have a good day
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:53:45 PM) i'm about to watch both of those <3
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:54:00 PM) everyone seems to be upset about Mark.
Bill V: (6:54:42 PM) Mark's not someone I was close to prior to this game, but in our short time together he seemed like a very good guy
Bill V: (6:54:51 PM) Thaigo gave me the rundown of what happened
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:55:03 PM) What exactly happened?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:55:07 PM) All I heard was that he got rocked out
Bill V: (6:55:18 PM) I'm not here to judge anyone, but it does sound like things have gone pretty unfortunately in this game for a lot of friendships
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:55:33 PM) I don't even understand?
Bill V: (6:55:42 PM) Thiago GVSE: (6:13:40 PM) and he told me that he only joined this game because ben pleaded him to, as a friend, so he did, and since the game started ben has pushing him aside once ben's group starting to get an upper hand, and that ben refused to switch the vote to avoid the purple rock. and now mark is gone
Bill V: (6:56:11 PM) i mean, maybe i'm not supposed to be talking about the situation so candidly, he didn't say either way
Bill V: (6:56:20 PM) so maybe better to let him re-explain it to you
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:56:38 PM) Regardless of how he got in All Stars, he was playing the game just like we were.
Bill V: (6:56:41 PM) But Thaigo also said the situation led to a similar fight between he and Ellen
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:56:49 PM) and he had just as much of a chance to change his vote too?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:57:25 PM) Yeah that's the second "i only played cause someone begged me to" story I've heard.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:57:29 PM) Ben/Mark and Ellen/Thiago
Bill V: (6:58:14 PM) its hard
Bill V: (6:58:22 PM) on one hand, i don't want ppl to be sad/upset
Bill V: (6:58:42 PM) but, as someone who didn't talk to ppl pregame, and while I know people I didn't start the game with an alliance of friends
Bill V: (6:58:47 PM) I just can't relate to any of this
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:59:07 PM) Nor did I. I actually think it's a bunch of bullshit and fueling each others fires.
Bill V: (6:59:11 PM) and, its like, I'm sorry your pregames didn't work out…. but those wouldn't of exactly been good for me so I'm not really sad about it
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:59:25 PM) We didn't come in as a group, and I don't think you guys did either.
Bill V: (6:59:52 PM) I think if the shoe were on the other foot, Ben and Ellen would have been just as upset
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:59:53 PM) Yet Mark has told me "i didn't know you skyped with these people preparing months before this game"
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (6:59:56 PM) like....wut?
Bill V: (7:00:13 PM) it does hurt my feelings a bit when i hear about ppl skyping/ghanging daily
Bill V: (7:00:18 PM) no offense
Bill V: (7:00:26 PM) but to know i'm not included, its like, awww
Bill V: (7:00:34 PM) but i guess i have my own friends outside of the game, so its ok
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:00:46 PM) That confuses me.
Bill V: (7:01:26 PM) anyway
Bill V: (7:01:28 PM) rant over
Bill V: (7:01:34 PM) we'll see how the comp goes, I guess
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:01:41 PM) No I feel like that's... an interesting statement.
Bill V: (7:01:47 PM) which is?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:02:00 PM) Just about how the sides see each other.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:02:07 PM) I know you guys Google Hangout
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:02:15 PM) Or used to
Bill V: (7:02:25 PM) if by you guys you mean alex and kirin and jordan
Bill V: (7:02:26 PM) then yes
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:02:33 PM) but like... now there's rumors of us skyping 24/7
Bill V: (7:02:42 PM) there isn't rumors of anything
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:02:56 PM) and it's just sounding like we're a bunch of witches cackling around a crystal ball planning everyones demise
Bill V: (7:03:08 PM) i don't think thats what i meant to imply at all
Bill V: (7:03:18 PM) nor did I say anyone was saying to me you skype 24/7
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:03:23 PM) it's just a combination of what you said and what I've heard from other people.
Bill V: (7:03:42 PM) i think youre putting my story in a narrative that i'm not subscribing to
Bill V: (7:03:48 PM) I said ppl told me THEY were skyping
Bill V: (7:03:56 PM) as in, they were currently in a skype with other ppl
Bill V: (7:04:06 PM) not realzing that, idk, maybe i'd wanna be invited to that?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:04:09 PM) the issue is who is THEY
Bill V: (7:04:24 PM) oh, the example that comes to mind is AJ
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:04:28 PM) My problem in this game has been that I'm always associated in the "they"
Bill V: (7:04:34 PM) wrong group
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:04:36 PM) especially after mark bitched me out and called me out
Bill V: (7:04:39 PM) I'm not saying
Bill V: (7:04:44 PM) and i want this to be clear
Bill V: (7:04:49 PM) that ppl are saying YOURE doing that
Bill V: (7:04:53 PM) they're saying THEYRE doing that
Bill V: (7:04:55 PM) to me
Bill V: (7:05:09 PM) I mean, you might be doing that too
Bill V: (7:05:12 PM) idk, i have no idea
Bill V: (7:05:21 PM) no ones said either way to me
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:05:31 PM) I've been called out because people think I skype all the time
Bill V: (7:05:47 PM) I don't care about what people do on their free time
Bill V: (7:05:56 PM) I only care about what my odds are to be voted out
Bill V: (7:06:23 PM) I'm just noting how ppl are feeling really down cuz their friends picked other friends over them
Bill V: (7:06:34 PM) and, while I don't like ppl to be sad or down
Bill V: (7:06:43 PM) its not something I can relate to in the context of this game
Bill V: (7:06:46 PM) that's all
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:08:09 PM) I'm not taking anything personally. Apparently someone's trying to get me ejected now though.
Bill V: (7:08:47 PM) for?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:08:59 PM) idk if i'm supposed to talk about it
Bill V: (7:10:31 PM) Well, whatever
Bill V: (7:10:35 PM) unless someone cheated, idc
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:11:14 PM) ew i don't cheat
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:11:34 PM) I just feel like this game is so petty though
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:11:37 PM) and it's honestly not fun
Bill V: (7:11:49 PM) I feel like
Bill V: (7:11:52 PM) and I hate to say it
Bill V: (7:11:55 PM) but it is what you make it
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:12:27 PM) is that to assume that I've done something to make this game not fun>
Bill V: (7:14:01 PM) I'm just saying if you focus on the positive
Bill V: (7:14:10 PM) maybe more positive will come back at you
Bill V: (7:14:19 PM) like, I can't change who's cranky in this game on a daily basis
Bill V: (7:14:25 PM) but if I just talk to the ppl who are having fun
Bill V: (7:14:29 PM) I end up having a good day
Bill V: (7:14:47 PM) and I feel like I also know when to just not engage and step away
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:15:41 PM) I have been focusing on the positives? And I'm not being cranky at all. I'm trying to have fun and talk to people so I don't understand your assumptions about how I'm playing this game?
Bill V: (7:17:08 PM) it was just my response to the comment that the game wasn't fun
Bill V: (7:17:25 PM) I have no idea how you're playing the game, we weren't on the same tribe for 6 rounds
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:17:37 PM) You're playing with your words.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:17:56 PM) Trying to dance around things without straight-up calling me out? I don't get it
Bill V: (7:18:17 PM) I'm not trying to call you out, I just don't wanna see ppl have a bad time
Bill V: (7:19:33 PM) I'm sorry if it sounded like that
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:19:34 PM) Just be honest with me. You don't have to be coy
Bill V: (7:19:44 PM) i get this a lot, that i come across coy
Bill V: (7:19:50 PM) i think its the social worker in me
Bill V: (7:20:01 PM) so, i'm sorry about that
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:20:40 PM) It's honestly just kinda upsetting.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:20:52 PM) Because i'm just playing a game and I feel like I'm being portrayed as this drama-starting monster.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:21:03 PM) And you're basically confirming that that's how your "side" sees me.
Bill V: (7:21:15 PM) i don't like that you put me on a side
Bill V: (7:21:24 PM) i have independent thoughts
Bill V: (7:21:35 PM) and i don't see you in any light
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:21:37 PM) I don't put you on a side! You're the one that said sides earlier
Bill V: (7:21:40 PM) again, i think you maybe have those fears
Bill V: (7:21:45 PM) and so youre taking what i'm saying
Bill V: (7:21:51 PM) and fitting it into your narrative
Bill V: (7:22:03 PM) everything i said was very neutral
Bill V: (7:22:15 PM) i have no opinion whatsoever about your game, and i like you overall
Bill V: (7:22:21 PM) so i'm not really sure how to respond
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:22:32 PM) I just want honesty.
Bill V: (7:22:36 PM) would it be easier to talk about this on skype?
Bill V: (7:22:44 PM) because i'm now concerned you think i'm trying to call you out on something
Bill V: (7:22:55 PM) when I messaged you to vent about Thaigo/Ellen/Ben/Mark
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:23:09 PM) That just seems to be the general mood today. And then being called out by Mark the other day.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:23:22 PM) It's just so cutthroat and I guess when I started to think you were coming at me too, I just got defensive.
Bill V: (7:23:26 PM) well, i prolly shouldn't of chosen this time to talk to you about it
Bill V: (7:23:29 PM) since mark yelled at you
Bill V: (7:23:39 PM) and youre having these problems with otehr ppl
Bill V: (7:23:44 PM) so, i'm sorry
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:25:07 PM) There's no way you could've known that though
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (7:25:43 PM) and this game is a mess.
Bill V: (7:26:35 PM) well, i hope things improve from here on out
Bill V: (9:36:18 PM) back
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:36:32 PM) welcome back!
Bill V: (9:37:35 PM) ty
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:44:44 PM) enjoy the shows?
Bill V: (9:44:50 PM) yes!
Bill V: (9:44:59 PM) I'm sad about the results of both shows, but they were good episodes, imo
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:45:11 PM) yeah i loved that the foursome was all spared! lmao
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:45:28 PM) that was phenomenal cause i love Kam, Ulysses, and Kris
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:45:32 PM) or Cris
Bill V: (9:45:32 PM) lmao, its clear to me that Don was just bad at taking the tests
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:45:34 PM) idk
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:45:37 PM) Don sucked
Bill V: (9:45:39 PM) I HATE Cam and Ulysses
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:45:59 PM) lmao Kam is worse than Ulysses. I'll give you that
Bill V: (9:46:03 PM) I loved Don and I love Dana and I like the flight attendant
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:46:05 PM) but they're there to play the game
Bill V: (9:46:09 PM) and I like Lindsay
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:46:10 PM)
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:46:17 PM) I hate the flight attendant
Bill V: (9:46:19 PM) Cris is ok
Bill V: (9:46:28 PM) I just hate how cocky Kam and Ulysses are
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:46:33 PM) My strategy is.... IM GOING TO FOLLOW THIS GUY
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:46:37 PM) It's like... wut
Bill V: (9:46:39 PM) I like the black girl as well
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:46:43 PM) she's sassy
Bill V: (9:46:55 PM) I thought Dom was the killer
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:47:03 PM) DOM?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:47:04 PM)
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:47:05 PM)
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:47:05 PM)
Bill V: (9:47:08 PM) Don*
Bill V: (9:47:09 PM) LOL
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:47:12 PM) Freudian slip, eh?
Bill V: (9:47:14 PM)
Bill V: (9:47:16 PM) well, my first guess is that the butler did it
Bill V: (9:47:23 PM) but if its a player, I thought it was Don
Bill V: (9:47:32 PM) second guess is Sabrina
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:47:59 PM) yeah i thought it was the butler *shrugs*
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:48:11 PM) I loved Adriana. Was upset to see her die cause she was such a devious character
Bill V: (9:49:35 PM) I know, I loved her awkwardly being shut out from all convos
Bill V: (9:49:38 PM) but I also like Dana
Bill V: (9:49:44 PM) and how much she hates Ulysses now
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:49:45 PM) and everyone thought she was the killer lmao
Bill V: (9:49:52 PM) I want some of the MOR players to go
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:50:04 PM) yeahhhhhhhhhhh same
MOR morons.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:50:08 PM) just following blindly
Bill V: (9:50:08 PM) I don't care for Gino or the hispanic guy
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:50:09 PM) and guessing
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:50:15 PM) you racist pig
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:50:17 PM) AARYN
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:50:17 PM) god
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:50:19 PM) jk <3
Bill V: (9:50:31 PM) lmfao whatever
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:50:31 PM) I agree.
Bill V: (9:50:52 PM) like, Kam and Uly are cocky, but they honestly have a good strategy, i just wanna see them fail
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:51:01 PM) I want it to be down to Dana, Ulysses, Cris, Lindsey, Kam, the black girl, and the douchey guy that kept the attic info to himself
Bill V: (9:51:03 PM) the other guys, they have a bad strategy and they're just as cocky
Bill V: (9:52:49 PM) so, i wanted to have a word with you, quickly
Bill V: (9:52:59 PM) but, idk how youre feeling
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:52:59 PM) by all means
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:53:04 PM) I'm feeling okay
Bill V: (9:53:05 PM) I ate, so I'm feeling a lot less stressed
Bill V: (9:53:12 PM) that's something I needed, I think
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:53:20 PM) mmmm food <3
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:54:37 PM) so what's up?
Bill V: (9:54:45 PM) and I would like the convo to stay private, if thats possible
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:54:51 PM) you have my word
Bill V: (9:54:55 PM) not take it back to anyone on either "side"
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:55:02 PM) would you like to skype to ensure that?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:55:07 PM) whatever makes you feel more comfortable
Bill V: (9:55:12 PM) naw
Bill V: (9:55:25 PM) its super hot in here, i don't wanna get dressed for a skype call
Bill V: (9:55:30 PM) lol
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:55:38 PM) haha you can skype without doing webcam
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:55:40 PM)
Bill V: (9:55:48 PM) we'll chat for now
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:55:53 PM) haha okay!
Bill V: (9:55:55 PM) anyway
Bill V: (9:56:02 PM) With Mark leaving
Bill V: (9:56:18 PM) it causes each "Side" love it or hate it they exist atm
Bill V: (9:56:28 PM) to make a choice about this comp
Bill V: (9:56:44 PM) Thaigo, after his fallout with Ellen, is suggesting to Knox and I to throw the comp
Bill V: (9:57:01 PM) and I wouldn't be shocked whatsoever to know that Ellen/Ben/Colleen are planning the same
Bill V: (9:57:19 PM) but I feel so much confliction about the situation
Bill V: (9:57:33 PM) and, as the person on the other "side" who i'm most comfortable talking to
Bill V: (9:57:45 PM) I wanna have an open dialogue about it
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:58:00 PM)
well I've been posting all day so that's a little frustrating to hear tbh...
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:58:11 PM) What good would going to Judgement do?
Bill V: (9:58:43 PM) well, I mean since Mark went home, if you do the math of the established "sides", again i'm not saying i agree with them but that's just what it is
Bill V: (9:58:51 PM) AJ's "side" only has 5 now
Bill V: (9:59:02 PM) and if they lost again, AJ or Cassie would go home
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:59:06 PM) so they basically wanna send it to rocks again
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:59:08 PM) and try their luck over here.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:59:10 PM) wow.
Bill V: (9:59:11 PM) right
Bill V: (9:59:20 PM) to try and send out you/luca/selena
Bill V: (9:59:29 PM) with more rocks, so if theres a merge at 10 its 5-5
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (9:59:54 PM) how shady tbh.
Bill V: (9:59:58 PM) again, like I said I want this convo to remain private
Bill V: (10:00:12 PM) you know ppl can't keep their mouth shut in this game, haha, so don't go saying I said this to you
Bill V: (10:00:17 PM) but, I mean, you kinda get it, right
Bill V: (10:00:25 PM) As someone who's been in an alliance that threw a comp
Bill V: (10:00:27 PM) even if you didn't
Bill V: (10:00:32 PM) some ppl totally did
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:00:43 PM) Yeah I understand completely and I actually figured something like this would happen
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:00:49 PM) Knox is pretending to not know where the flags are
Bill V: (10:00:56 PM) has Ellen/Ben/Colleen talked to you about throwing the comp?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:00:56 PM) and Thiago tossed me an excuse about not being around much.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:01:02 PM) Nope not at all
Bill V: (10:01:07 PM) Knox doesn't know, like me, what he wants to do right now either
Bill V: (10:01:23 PM) so Knox is just stalling
Bill V: (10:01:42 PM) so, I mean, let me talk out how I see it
Bill V: (10:01:58 PM) firstly, the immeadiate danger of course is that I'd get purple rocked out of the game
Bill V: (10:02:14 PM) but if I survive that
Bill V: (10:02:24 PM) then it just means things are 5-5
Bill V: (10:02:36 PM) and if you go I really have no "in" with Luca or Selena
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:02:41 PM) and then it's just purple rock after purple rock after purple rock.
Bill V: (10:02:56 PM) which means I'd have to commit to AJ/Knox/Cassie
Bill V: (10:03:03 PM) which I'm in the minority of that alliance, too
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:03:25 PM) Not unless we worked something out tbh
Bill V: (10:04:05 PM) yeah, i mean at this point i'm not coming to you asking for a deal
Bill V: (10:04:16 PM) because that'd be unfair, despite how i do enjoy you
Bill V: (10:04:25 PM) and obv it'd be hard to trust, even if I felt good about us
Bill V: (10:04:31 PM) that's not what I'm looking to do
Bill V: (10:04:46 PM) I guess, really, I just need more help understanding the dynamics of your "team"
Bill V: (10:05:00 PM) and again, I'm not someone who's a consipracy guy saying youre all 100% all 6 of you
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:05:55 PM) I just hate the dynamics of this game
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:06:04 PM) everyone wants it to change but no one is willing to make a move
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:06:16 PM) who does thiago want to send to purple rock if we lose?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:06:23 PM) cause obviously whoever they vote for are safe.
Bill V: (10:07:55 PM) hmm i'm not sure, I don't think it's been discussed
Bill V: (10:08:24 PM) The only thing that's been talked about is that you guys would maybe vote for Knox
Bill V: (10:08:42 PM) Because he'd be least likely to have the idol, and Thaigo most likely to flip
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:08:48 PM) we haven't even thought about discussing it because i thought i was finally on a tribe that wanted to win.
Bill V: (10:09:19 PM) Well, I mean I want to win for sure, I thik the only thing I contributed last time was trying to keep it a team mentality
Bill V: (10:09:24 PM) instead of ppl trying for indiv immunity
Bill V: (10:09:37 PM) but I don't wanna come in 10th
Bill V: (10:09:54 PM) so, i mean, what do you think of my previous question
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:10:19 PM) where was the question in that? sorry im just astounded by that. i thought it as a possibility but i didn't think it'd actually happen lol
Bill V: (10:10:19 PM) what's the "team Ellen" mentality, is it individual or team
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:10:28 PM) well
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:10:47 PM) "Team Ellen" has formed because it had to be. Because we were told "Team AJ" was a thing pre-game.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:10:56 PM) and if AJ tries to say otherwise, she's honestly lying.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:11:04 PM) keep this between us please, Henry.
Bill V: (10:11:28 PM) of course
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:11:34 PM) There were several phonecalls to myself and other members of the cast pre-game where Kirin was basically trying to raise an army against Ellen.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:12:38 PM) She was saying anything from "she's #1 in the rankings" to "remember what she did to you in season 3" to "she's befriends people and then votes them out"
Bill V: (10:12:49 PM) mmhm
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:12:52 PM) it went beyond the game for me and she was basically saying she already had a lot of numbers on her side. You included.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:13:01 PM) because of isurv1vor or something like that.
Bill V: (10:13:40 PM) well i think she's counted on me because I was in iSurvivor and I'm not friends with the Season 2 people. I think my actual inclusion in "Team AJ" was mostly survival based due to being on Legatu
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:13:48 PM) and then when I came into the game, Chase basically jumped on and reaffirmed all the "AJ's Army" thoughts. He even sent me a picture of "AJ vs Ellen in a Good vs Evil" fashion with Ellen photoshopped as the devil.
Bill V: (10:13:56 PM) but I did hear she was counting on you, and Chase, and Mark
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:14:13 PM) So if anyone drew the lines for the sides, it was Chase/AJ. But now they seem to be saying that WE were the ones that started it?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:14:25 PM) like NO. that doesn't really fly well with me
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:14:57 PM) No one is "villainizing" anyone. She tried to make a pre-game against someone she didn't like because of personal beef that included some triangle argument between Cassie-Ellen-AJ
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:15:01 PM) and it basically divided the game
Bill V: (10:15:25 PM) sure, well I mean as always with survivor things have to be split into groups somehow, and this was just the conflict that did it this time
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:15:25 PM) apparently AJ was complaining about Ellen to Cassie and Cassie sent the whole convo to Ellen, so Ellen complained back and Cassie went back to AJ blah blah blah
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:15:47 PM) I heard this story from both AJ and Ellen so I have both sides. So it's not like I'm only hearing half the story and running with it.
Bill V: (10:16:05 PM) and I don't see either side as the villain, I'm sure both sides made it worse with various things they did
Bill V: (10:16:20 PM) but yeah, go on
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:16:37 PM) It's just a hot mess. And then I had Chase telling me every round that no matter what I did, I wasn't gonna convince people I wasn't with Ellen
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:16:44 PM) he said he was trying really hard to convince you guys
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:16:49 PM) but that no one was going for it.
Bill V: (10:17:29 PM) well, I mean
Bill V: (10:17:32 PM) voting him out didn't help
Bill V: (10:17:33 PM) haha
Bill V: (10:17:37 PM) but i understand why you did it
Bill V: (10:17:43 PM) if you felt like ppl already put you in that group
Bill V: (10:17:47 PM) you better work with that group
Bill V: (10:17:59 PM) just like me, if ppl are gonna put me with AJ
Bill V: (10:18:04 PM) then I guess that's who I gotta work with
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:18:13 PM) OMG *hugs* someone can actually stay non-biased and see my point
Bill V: (10:18:41 PM) and I mean obv Chase kinda tried to take that trust and run with it, but it wasn't really a good time yet for you cuz you saw the AJ army as still too big
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:18:53 PM) it was 14 vs 7
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:18:57 PM) of course it wasn't a good time.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:19:14 PM) and i didn't come into this game intending to be stuck on the same boat as Ellen
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:19:22 PM) the only pre-game plan I had was to take out annie lol
Bill V: (10:19:42 PM) Yeah, I can honestly say I had no pre-game plans
Bill V: (10:19:50 PM) I mean ppl said to me Yay we're in all stars!
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:19:59 PM) by pre-game plans, I meant personal ones
Bill V: (10:20:03 PM) but, like, for example I didn't even know who you were
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:20:12 PM) I didn't like spread the word to people to "OMG HELP ME GET ANNIE OUT"
Bill V: (10:20:17 PM) so I didn't intend to be with AJ or anyone
Bill V: (10:20:27 PM) The first F2 i actually made in the game was with Chase
Bill V: (10:20:36 PM) and we didn't know each other before hand
Bill V: (10:20:40 PM) we just got along on Legatu
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:21:30 PM) i see i see
Bill V: (10:22:00 PM) but now I know how many pots Chase had a hand in
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:22:07 PM) Everyone's -__-
Bill V: (10:22:20 PM) pot whore
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:22:27 PM) sounds delicious...
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:22:28 PM) i mean
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:22:28 PM) wut
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:22:29 PM)
Bill V: (10:22:32 PM) lol
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:22:47 PM) so are you guys for sure throwing? because I've been working really hard at this and it's just upsetting
Bill V: (10:24:10 PM) well, I mean I think that's what we gotta hammer out
Bill V: (10:24:25 PM) if we win, am I coming in 10th?
Bill V: (10:24:55 PM) if we merge "Team AJ" would be just AJ/Knox/Thaigo/Myself
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:25:03 PM) Henry, I like you. I wouldn't mind working with you.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:25:07 PM) I hinted at it earlier and you shot me down
Bill V: (10:25:17 PM) no, i'm def for that
Bill V: (10:25:29 PM) i'm just concerned about what the rest of "team ellen" is going to want
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:25:39 PM) I know trust is running thin in this game, especially with me. But if people truly want to end this. Then there needs to be other deals.
Bill V: (10:26:59 PM) Right
Bill V: (10:27:26 PM) or i mean the F6 is just gonna be "Team Ellen"
Bill V: (10:27:32 PM) and idk how u feel about those odds
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:27:35 PM) Uhm
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:27:38 PM) did you watch season 3?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:27:38 PM) jw
Bill V: (10:27:42 PM) hardly
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:27:43 PM) Summary:
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:27:51 PM) I fought hard all season for my Final 6 alliance
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:27:53 PM) and when i got there
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:27:55 PM) i got 6th place.
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:28:15 PM) I refuse to play for 6th again. Just because I rode this to jury doesn't mean this is in my end-game plans.
Bill V: (10:28:42 PM) i'm really in that same boat
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:29:09 PM) because in my alliance, Ben/Colleen are unbreakable and theyre friends with Luca
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:29:14 PM) and Ellen will go with Colleen again probably
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:29:20 PM) so Selena/I will be 5th and 6th
Bill V: (10:29:30 PM) And I have AJ/Cassie/Knox over here as a 3some
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:31:50 PM) yeah not exactly ideal for a f3 scenario
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:32:01 PM) going to f4 with a trio is never a good idea lol
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:32:07 PM) same way going to final 6 with a final 4 is bad
Bill V: (10:32:41 PM) mhm
Bill V: (10:35:17 PM) so, like, it looks like the leap of faith is all thats left
Bill V: (10:35:26 PM) again, I would really like to not be another Chase
Bill V: (10:35:37 PM) but it seems I either have to take my chances with you or with the rock
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:36:00 PM) What can I do to show you that you won't be?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:36:03 PM) I'm prettier than the rock
Bill V: (10:36:26 PM) tho you WERE on the purple tribe
Bill V: (10:36:27 PM) hmmmm
Bill V: (10:36:28 PM) lol
Bill V: (10:37:12 PM) well, I mean, it can't just be us. I can't be your tack on to the Ellen alliance because they outnumber me and you
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:38:21 PM)
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:38:41 PM) I understand that so what would you like to do?
Bill V: (10:38:53 PM) I'm not sure
Bill V: (10:39:15 PM) I'm not sure if trying to start a new alliance at the F11 is smart or too risky
Bill V: (10:39:40 PM) should the goal atm to be get a solid group or just find a way to continue to survive
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:40:57 PM) oh I'll tell you right now, it's a risky move. but it also has a better payout than just surviving
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:47:10 PM) Knox's post makes it seem like your mind is made up
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:47:23 PM) or he may just be trying to be helpful idk.
Bill V: (10:47:25 PM) what post? he and I have discussed nothing
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:47:42 PM) He said "hey guys lets post the links to where we hid all our flags here so we can send it in one PM"
Bill V: (10:48:47 PM) oh
Bill V: (10:48:57 PM) don't we have to post 5 flags per person?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:49:03 PM) yeah
Bill V: (10:49:11 PM) If you were wondering if he posted that so we could throw it
Bill V: (10:49:13 PM) I don't htink so
Bill V: (10:49:41 PM) i think he sees it as a lose-lose
Bill V: (10:49:53 PM) so theres been no mention of a throw to me
Bill V: (10:50:00 PM) with him making that post
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:50:14 PM) It just looks shady cause it would be really easy to just pass our links on to Cassie/AJ
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:50:15 PM) ya know?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:50:31 PM) cause then they could pick the order to find our flags to give one of you guys Individual Immunity
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:50:36 PM) or maybe it's just my paranoia
Bill V: (10:50:46 PM) I can promise you I had no idea that thread was even made
Bill V: (10:50:55 PM) and it wasn't a plot
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:51:15 PM) i appreciate the honesty i'm just nervous now cause i've worked so hard
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:51:19 PM) and getting 11th would suck.
Bill V: (10:51:39 PM) mmhm
Bill V: (10:55:04 PM) i mean
Bill V: (10:55:07 PM) idc if you ignore it
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:57:54 PM) I'm probably going to
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:58:01 PM) I just dont wanna stay up all night posting if you guys are gonna throw
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:58:07 PM) and just send our links to the other side anyway
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:58:08 PM) ya know?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (10:58:15 PM) like... i'm taking time out of my life to do this
Bill V: (11:00:36 PM) I understand
Bill V: (11:00:50 PM) honestly I guess now that I look at it that way
Bill V: (11:01:03 PM) you could just give my info to Ellen
Bill V: (11:01:08 PM) so its prolly a bad idea
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (11:02:13 PM) I'm not going to give your info to anyone -__-
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (11:02:15 PM) I want to win this
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (11:02:24 PM) hence why i'm still posting waiting for you guys to decide ;|
Bill V: (11:09:12 PM) even if I say I'm going to work on it you'll be paranoid until you see the results, its ok
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (11:09:22 PM) what?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (11:09:48 PM) Everyone's going to be paranoid. But that doesn't mean I don't trust you?
[Ryann] Dominic GVSE: (11:09:54 PM) I thought that's why we were having this conversation
Bill V: (11:12:34 PM) right
Bill V: (11:12:41 PM) i trust that